Sunday, May 29, 2011

After 50 Yrs 2 Embarrassed To Stay A Democrat

There's an old adage that says America is great because America is good. If America ceases to be good America will cease to be great. Bernie Goldberg, author of "A Slobbering Love Affair," had been a journalist at a major network, ABC, for 25+ years. He tells a true story about an incident that occurred right after the publication of his book, "Bias." He said a man named Heywood, a boss of some kind, admitted to him that Bernie had been right, all networks have a liberal bias, they lean left.

Thank God, Rupert Murdock and Roger Ailes and the courageous truth teller hosts of Fox News and Fox Business Network exist. They withstand lies on them, smears about them, death threats--they're heros. And I'm sure this truth as the case with all truths will one day come to light. But I can't wait. I'm telling the truth NOW! And when the rest of America wakes up, i'll be gracious and say, "I told you so!" lol They are not biased, though the Left lies and say that they are. The Foxes always provide the other side's point of view-- ad nauseam. They meticulously provide proof for their positions--videos, website addresses, books, page numbers. The Foxes are skeptical, which is the appropriate attitude for "real" news networks. Heywood had told Bernie that if he was asked about making that statement, about admitting that the main stream media are biased Left wingers, he would deny he ever said it. I could not hold my head up high knowing I was a member of a party that the dishonest fraud Heywood was also a party to. Hence another reason I know I did right leaving Democratic Party. FYI I am not a member of the Republican party either. Although I wouldn't be embarrassed to be a member of that Party. I've come to learn that there are lots of strong (Gov Chris Christie, Karl Rove, Steve Moore, Dick Morris, Brent Bozell, Gov Scott Walker, Gov Jan Brewer, Dr. Wahlid Phares, Ambassador John Bolton, Author and columnist Michelle Malkin, Gov Sarah Palin, Author and columnist Erik Rush, WND, Gov Bobby Jindal, Gov Nikki Haley, Gov of Ohio, Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep Peter King, Gov Rick Perry, LtCol Congressmam Allen G. West (he's only been in Congress a few months yet he's already uncovered $800,000,000 being wasted by the government. These and so many other Republicans and people on the Right are grown ups. They are doing the tough but ESSENTIAL jobs for the good of the country knowing they are risking being slammed by the Dems with catchy phases like that childish smear: "The Party of know." Remember that? Yea I know how I spelled no, know. Some uninformed citizens actually fell for that sound bite lie. The dems are too cowardly to attempt to make the changes needed to keep the various government programs solvent such as medicare. They knowing the public will not easily "get" why these tough decisions must be made. Solid economics. The dems are choosing to be popular rather than right. They choose to buy ridiculous commercials that only the acutely uninformed could believe like their latest (so low I cringe to think I used to be a member of that party of idiots, babies, sissys and liars and as Holder "called out" COWARDS! about a Paul Ryan look alike throwing Granny over the cliff. PLEEZE. Over the top juvenile. See my point? Dems are embarrassing. Instead of WORKING on what's really important they keep missing the point (Remember they spent all that time instead of creating jobs focusing on making a horror of a Health Mandate for us. There are judges who are handing down rulings saying what the citizenry already knew that it's unConstitutional to tell the population what they must buy! Obamacare. Most Americans didn't want anything to do with that government take over of the heath industry because they knew it was a disaster--though Nancy Pelosi admitted she had to wait until it was passed to understand what was in it. She learned that it's impossible and that she had to get her district off the hook. And that's what she did. She got 20% of the waivers for her district. Where's your waiver? Where's my waiver? Is it true that Harry Reid got his entire state, Nevada, a waiver? What's with that? How come these people got waivers? How come they won't tell us who asked, but didn't get, waivers? Some people are calling this a gangster government.

Instead of coming up with a budget which they're mandated to do, they're creating dopey commercials to distract their voters from knowing that they are the Party of no - no ideas, no budget. They trick their voters into believing lies. The truth's going to come out sooner or later. It always does. Republicans and people on the Right are going to be recognized and praised for their courage and intelligence. There are millions of brave wide awake Americans who have been speaking out these past two years doing research and writing books to tell you the truth--stretching and straining to get us to get ourselves back on the track of being the Constitutional Republic that we really are. Thank you. You know who you are: smart, loyal, decent, honest, honorable, hard working, genuine, creative, grown up, God Loving, pro America people.

Another source of embarrassment came about when I saw Bill Maher doing a show (is he suppose to be funny? I can't understand why calling Governor Sarah Palin a "cunt" is funny? What kind of brain thinks that's funny? It seems like misogyny to me. Evil.

Anyway, this latest indication that he may very well be intellectually challenged occurred when he said O'Reilly during his Super Bowl Half Time interview of Obama disrespected the President of the United States because he said Obama was a basketball man. Maher either didn't read Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand's masterpiece, or didn't understand her word to the wise. She wrote: "Never get angry with someone for telling the truth." That's exactly what Maher did. Everybody who lives in THIS world knows that Obama IS a basketball man. There are many videos of him playing basketball. Didn't he get stitches in his lip while playing basketball? Yes. Didn't he get criticized because he was picking picks when many people thought he should be paying attention to the shooting of the congresslady? Yes.

What's wrong with saying the truth? Nothing. It's good to tell the truth. Obama is a basketball man. That's not disrespectful that's the truth. Maher's doing some screwy reasoning concluding that saying a black man is a basketball man is doing something wrong. Is it wrong to say a black man is a wealthy rapper, if he is? Is it wrong to say a French man says, Choose bros not hos? Just kidding. Seriously, is it wrong to say a jewish man is a doctor, if he is? Or a canadian man a hockey player, if he is? Or an Irish pub serves people who like their guinness? Is it wrong to say an Englishman is stoic? No. Or a prostitute likes to wear skimpy clothes? Or a severely crazy person unmedicated can't think straight? Don't we know some members of groups do the same things? Maher was horrified at O'reilly speaking the truth. That's pretty stupid. I should think he should be horrified if O'reilly spoke the untruth, not the truth!

I asked a Democrat woman the other day, what's wrong with nappy hair and I pulled mine toward her to show that there's nothing wrong with my nappy hair, or my straight hair or my braided hair. It's my hair. There's nothing wrong with it. So why would I care if somebody called my nappy hair, nappy? Huh? If you fell for the Cinderella story as being more than a fairy tale for children you might be ashamed of having big feet. The tiny shoe the prince has might not fit your clodhoppers. Please. I have big feet. I'm a big woman. I'd topple over with little feet. My big feet are just the same as little feet. They're just feet. All feet are great. What about the man who has no feet. And I don't even want to start reminding people that feet with bunions are fine too. Especially if they don't hurt. Feet that hurt are not good. Women do not squeeze your feet into too small shoes. That's hell. You have to use your brain and THINK. Glenn Beck says, know why you think what you think. That's such profound advice. Hollywood, Milan and Paris, makes up all kinds of rules that we're suppose to believe in. Example, we've got to be skinny if that means being hungry as one skinny woman told me she always is, then so be it. Screw that. I don't let other people tell me what size I'm to be. That's for me to decide. If I want to go along with the herd fine. But if I don't also fine. It's my choice. And yours for you.

Back on message, I was reminded by Bernie or O'reilly that Maher called the President of the United States, George Bush, "a retard." Is Maher horrified that HE disrespected the President of the United States? Of course not. He's got a ton of excuses for his behavior. We all know he can justify that with some convoluted b.s. Of course that and other disrespectful things he said of President Bush were amazingly actually disrespectful and insulting and worse LIES? Maher's a liar. The truth: President Bush and Karl Rove had an ongoing contest when President Bush was President. They competed to see who could read the most books. Mr. Rove said he was amazed that with all his duties, President Bush found time and mental stamina to read two books a week, every week. I think judging by Maher's faulty reasoning and lack of facts, he surely doesn't read two books a week. First, misogyny, then lies, now hypocrisy! Whoa.

Bernie gets that Maher fancies himself another Lenny Bruce. But Bernie also points out that Lenny Bruce was being brave. He was risking imprisonment when he told risque jokes. Maher is risking nothing (except (I say) embarrassing himself being a low level sub human being. Maher is not risking his freedom. He's on liberal HBO. He can say anything he wants about anyone he wants. O'reilly pointed out that Jackie Mason didn't work for 5 years after he gave the finger to Ed Sullivan. Maher wasn't out of work 1 minute. Indeed he was rewarded. People so called people (could have been canned laughter) seemed to laugh when he called a respected elected public servant, Governor Palin, a "cunt." He's not Lenny Bruce. He's a disgrace in the minds of decent human beings, whatever their politics.

I want to say before I forget, Pat Caddell is a Democrat a former maybe Carter pollster, I'm not sure. But I am sure that he's a genuine human being. And every time I hear him I'm gratified that there is one Democrat on the earth who is fair minded and clear minded. Also liberal, Ed Schultz, who called Laura Ingram a slut on radio apologized to her. I heard and saw him. And he appeared sincere to me. Laura forgave him. And I forgive him. He did good. Anybody can screw up. But it takes a "somebody" to make a sincere attempt to make up for it. If he's got kids and grandkids they can be proud of him now.

Back to the main message of this blog, another source of embarrassment for me has been Hillary. I voted for Hillary. I wanted her to be president. I reasoned that her having been close to a President for eight years, watching him rule, that she must have learned a lot about how to be president. I know she's a strong woman. I thought she was a good and principled woman. She lost me when she admitted that Margaret Sanger is her idol, someone she looks up to.

I'm reminded of Anita Dunn when she worked in the White House caught on camera shown on Glenn Beck's show speaking to a graduating class of young people telling them Mao (who murdered 70,000,000 of his own people, she didn't tell them that) was who she thought of for inspiration. What? is she crazy?

Hillary worshiping Sanger means to me she's like a lot of people in this country, in this world, uninformed or she condones the evil behavior of a woman that according to her own writings set up planned parenthood to limit the birth rate of black babies. The Nazis took their cues from her plans.

While I'm thinking of it, my business partner is a young Chinese American man. He creates magazines for Chinese businesses in America. There are lots of pictures of Chinese business people in these magazines. And they are written in Fujian Chinese. One day I was leafing through one of Jay's magazines and guess who I saw standing grinning posing with a group of Chinese business men? Hilliary. In another magazine not to be undone was her husband Bill Clinton posing for a photo op with a group of Chinese business men. The last magazine I leafed through that day I saw New York's 3rd term mayor Bloomberg grinning posing with some Chinese business men. (lots of people I know are pissed that he took a 3rd term) Those Dems they do anything they want. Don't they?

Hillary let us down because she nailed Obama when she was running against him. She said he's a speech. I don't think any objective person in America would deny that Obama goes into the zone and makes speeches where some people forget or give him a pass on his unfailing reliance on tele-prompters. In the zone he appears to be sincere and likable and reasonable. But if you ask yourself after the speech, does he follow through, does he do what he says he will do in his speech? Hey, talk begets talk. Action begets action. Does Obama act much? Hillary was right. The man is a speech. God only knows who's speech. Who writes his speeches? At this point, who cares?

I would like Hillary to tell us, knowing what she knows about him, how she could work for him, lie for him? Is she like that guy that betrayed his position and employer and secretly kept every bit of personal info about her and her family and photo shopped his photo on the cover with the Governor of the book he wrote telling everything he could think of to sell the book. One can only guess to make a big buck. I know we're capitalist. Nothing wrong with being capitalist. But we're still human beings with consciences and hearts and souls. She gave him her trust, power and money and over the top experiences most Americans never ever will have. And he showed no gratitude or loyalty. He betrayed her. Course he has excuses. People can justify anything.

Hillary as Secretary of State gets power and money and she's betraying us, the American people. That is if she believes what she told us about Obama during the campaign.

The last person I'll discuss in this posting is Eric Holder. He said Americans are cowards. When I heard him say that it didn't ring true to me. I'm an American and I'm not a coward. I know many many Americans who are not cowards. So then I asked myself who are these American cowards that Holder knows and is speaking about?

I know Americans fought bravely and died and defeated the British Empire none more powerful on earth at that time. Clearly the American soldiers who fought in that War were not cowards. You can't, Holder, mean the American soldiers were cowards, who fought and won world war II many of whom gave their lives to protect the world, that would be you and me Holder and the rest of the world, from a mad evil man. I'm sure you're not meaning that the brave sacrificing members of the military fighting as we speak in Afghanistan and Iraq are cowards. Veterans are not cowards. The Border patrols, the DEA, Law enforcement officers who risk their lives and Fire Fighters who risk their lives to save other peoples lives are not cowards.

Who are these American cowards Holders speaks of? Perhaps he means an American government that takes their friends for granted and throws them under the bus except when they need them? And who bows to their enemies in the foolish childish hope/belief that if they're nice and suck up to them then they won't hurt them? Is that who you mean, Holder? Or perhaps you mean the segment of the population that is too afraid to know the truth about this government are cowards? That would be true. The people who believe the main stream medias' lies despite the proof offered by the smeared, are they your cowards? Some members of governments also too cowardly to know the truth, or at least to tell the truth. Like Heywood too cowardly to own his own truths. If not facing the truth meant you're safe, I might try burying my head in the sand with the cowards. But the ignorance is bliss belief is false. It is the mind set of cowards. They pretend they don't know what they know. They fool themselves.

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